Quick tips for writing

What do you when you need to write, but you just can’t the words to come? It happens. Sometimes you have a writing project to tackle and for whatever reason, you have zero motivation. Here are five tips and tricks for getting past it.
- Start with an outline. Sometimes thinking it through to the end can get your juices flowing.
- Google examples. There are very few original thoughts left out there – I’m sure someone’s written something similar before – maybe it’ll inspire you.
- Just get it out there. You might hate that first sentence (or paragraph) but leave it and keep going. Come back to it at the end.
- Set a timer and stay focused. Tell yourself you only have to write for 15 minutes. You’ll be surprised at how much you can actually write in that much time.
- Exercise. If you’re really stuck, take a break to be active, go for a run or a walk to reset your mind.
Once you’ve gotten it out there make sure you edit, edit, edit. Read it out loud, word-by-word. Have someone else read it. Ideally an editor, but if that’s not possible, find someone who is new to the content – a partner, friend, parent, sibling… whatever works! I do suggest finding someone who isn’t familiar with the content to be your last set of eyes – they’re the most likely to pick up inconsistencies and content gaps.
Let me know what works for you – happy writing!